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The Houston Herald from Houston, Missouri • Page 7

The Houston Herald from Houston, Missouri • Page 7

Houston, Missouri
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Mis. petition, to-wlt! the lunds aforesaid, whose nsinet plaintiff cannot insert ONDKD AND GUARANTEED ABSTRACTS W. C. BARTON D. t.

IMPKV BARTON UllPEY ATTORNEYS AT LAW ORDER Or PUBLICATION. Stata of Missouri.) -v County of I In the circuit court for Texas county. April term, 1821. W. fflETT ATTORNEY-AT-LAW HOUSTON.

MISSOURI Law Collections InsnrandB Second Floor Tsxss County Bank BlaJo. HOUSTON, MISSOURI Notary In Offiea. front Rooms Over Texas County Stank ROBERT LAMAR KIRBV LAMAR LAMAR LAMAR ATTORNEYS AT LAW HOUSTON, MISSOURI Abstracts of Title Furnishes Office Upstairs Bank of Houston. CHARLES COVERT Successor to J. D.

Toting) ATTORNEY AT LAW and Abstracter HOUSTON, MISSOURI OfTlce At room formerly occurred by the late John D. Vouag. JAMES COVERT ATTORNEY AT LAW HOUSTON, MISSOURI Owns complete set of Abstract Books te all lands In Texas County. Office on Main Street. CHE LAMAR ABSTRACT CO (INCORPORATED) THE ONLY BONDED ABSTRACT.


Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA herein because they ute unknown to him. lialntlff further state that the Mies end clulms of sm-li parties were litst transrerrfd tut loiiows: ny war' runty Jfd from Philip H. Iiranson to Jnnics E. Comfort, dated and aeknow-li-diied January 30, 1K77, end recorded In Ihe tiffjre of the Rworder of I-eds of Ti'Xfia County. Missouri.

June 18. 1177. In Kook I nt page (.14, in which snid deed no wifo joined with the pnntor onu In wiilch the said Philip H. Krunson is not shown to have lti single and itnmi-r-rlfd: that a part of anc-h unknown Pr-t derive, or rliilm to derive, tlielr title! claims and Inn-rests In said real estate as consort, heirs, devisees, donees. Alienees, nnd Immediate, mesne nnd remote, voluntary and Irivoluntnry (rren-leea of the said Jami K.

Comfort imder ennveynnre afores'id nnd cHim a simple title In tatd renl estate derived as aforesaid: that the other unknown party, to-wlt: the unknown eon-sort of I'lillip H. Ilranson. rlnlms a dower Interest in said rial estate, derived ss aforesaid by reason of her non-Joinder in snld ronveyanee: and thst the i'love and foretroinc describes ttie titles, claims and Interests of said unknown parties, and how such titles, claims and inter-1 psts are derived, so fur as plaintiffs Knowience extern. It Is therefore ordrred by ssid r'erV thnt all of said rlefendnnts. exeept Kfhe! Wall and James Millard Wall, he notified hv puhliention that plaintiff by petit'on Herein or date heriniary is.

imzi has commenced against said defendants an Action at law. the Immediate oMct and general nature of which in to enforce nnd establish a lawful rlpht, claim and demand to nnd niralnnt certnin re-l property within the jurisdiction of said fotirt. to-wlt, an action to try t'tle to the following described real estate, ly- Inir. lMlng nnd nltiiAte In the Conty of Texas And State of Missouri, to-wlt: the Northeast quarter of Section Thirtv-two ()Z). in Townsnin Tnirty-one tan North.

of Rnnpe Nine West, contalnlnr one hundred sixty flfifll acres, more or less. And It la further so ordered thnt said defendants be and anpear In this eonrt on the first day of the next term thereof, to he holden nt the City of Houston. Texas County. Missouri, on Mondpv. the Hth day of April.

1921 and on or before the first day of snld term to answer or plead to said petition, or. In default therein said petition will he taken and adjudeed sut confessed, snrt ludirment by default will be rendered against said defendants. It Is further so ordered that a copy hereof he duly published At leant once week for four weeks luocesslvely In The Houston Herald, a weekly newspaper duly printed, published and circulated li said Texan county, and dulv designated by plaintiff's attorneys and duly approved by said clerk aa most likelv to give notice to defendants, the last Insertion to be at least thirty days before aaid next term of laid court. O. W.

ROMINES, Clerk Circuit Court. State of Missouri. County of Texas, "ss. O. W.

Homines, Clerk of the Circuit Court of Texan County. Missouri, hereby certify that the foreicolng writing Is a full, true and complete copy of the oriirl-nal order of publication in said cAtise. as fully as the same remains and appears of record In my office. In witness whereof. I hereto suhsrrlbe my name and official signature and hereto Affix the seal of said court, at my office In the City of Houston, Texas County.

Missouri, this 15th day of February. 1021.1 Seal Cf. W. ROMINES. Clerk of the Circuit Court 25 for Texas County.

Missouri. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA CHAS. II SIMPSON CABOOL, ROUTE 2 AUCTIONEER. LIVE STOCK-GENERAL SALES Solicits your Public Sales and Will Give Satisfaction. See, Write or Phone Me for Dates.

Secnra them from tho Laading Abstractcrg COVERT ABSTRACT AND GUARANTEE 00. HOUSTON. MISSOURI W. F. HERRON PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON HOUSTON, MISSOURI Offices front rooms upstairs in Doo- Icy Building.

OSice Phone 47 Residence Phone 51 HIETT'S CAFE E. W. HIETT Houston, Proprietor Mo. Regular Meals Lunches. and Short Order Special attention to Family Dinners, Banquets and Socials.

Special Sunday Dinners. ORDER OF r-UBLICATICJN. Bute of Mlsnoorl. County of Texas, I In the circuit coait for Texas counny, April term, 1921. Lottie Relger, Plaintiff, against Chaa.

C. Rel- Br. Tr.e state of Missouri, to above named de end an Greeting Now her this Mil dsyof January, ei to ra-attun of circuit court for Teiaa oountv. Mlfvouri, before April term, 1021, of said circuit court, comes plaintiff herein by attorney of record herein oefore the clerk of said court and on behalf of plalntlU, flies ber pe tition, anions: omer matters or action aiieg-ing: That aaid defendant, Cnas. C.

Kaiser, Is a noo- rexiaent or tne state or Missouri, realdlnaoot- aide of aald atate of Mlasouii. snd cannot be set ved wilt, ordinary proceaa of la bs'eln. It Is therefore ordered by said clerk list said defendant, Unas. c. Reiser, be notified by publtcauti that plaintiff by petition nerein died of date January 2, lttl, has commenced sealnat said defendant an lo tion, the Immediate object and general nature of wnlch Is so sctlon to obtain final decree of cirorce i ruin toe aerenaant on tne grounds of luaKnuies.

And It is runner so ordered that said defendant snd sppesr In ttus court on tne first dsy of the next term thereof to be nolde.n at the cut of Haueton.TeMs county, Missouri Moodsy, toe iihdqsjoi Apm, ihci, ana on or oerore tne nrst day or seia terra to answer or plead te said petition, or In default therein ssid petition will be taken and adjudged aa confessed snd judgment by default wiu oe renaerea sasiDbt saia aerenaant. It la further so ordered that a copy hereof be published st least once a week for four con- avtutire weeks in the Houston Herald, a weekly npwpaf.rr ouiy pnoieo, puonanea ana circa-latd in said Texas county, and duly 6rist nated by plaintiff's attorney and dule appr-iren ny said Clerk ss most likely tu five notice to aerendenl, the last Insertion to oe at least thirty dars before said next term of said oosit. G. W. ROMINES, Clerk Circuit Court.

State of Missouri, i Countv of Texas. I I. O. W. Homines.

Clerk of the Circuit Court or Texas county, nereoy cemry that tne foregoing wilting is a full, true and complete copy 01 we original oruer or puoiioauoi in said cause, as fully as the same remains and ppeara of record In my office. IB witness whereof, I hereto subscribe my same and official signature and hereto affix tae seal of said court at my omoe in the city of Houston, Texas county, Missouri, this 2eth day of January, lici. Ideal) O. W. ROMINES, Clerk of tae Circuit Ceurt MIS for Texas county, Missouri.

Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S A STQ I A Perry A. Wlllouahby. plaintiff, against Jhm WillougnDy.aaienaani. The State of Missouri to above named defendant, greeting: Now here this 3rd day of February, D2 1 In vacation of Circuit Court for Tex as county, Missouri, April term, 1921, of aid Circuit court, comes pituniin nerein, by attorney of record herein, before said Clerk, and on behalf of plaintiff files his petition, among other matters of action alleging; That said defendant. Jesse WUIoughby Is a non-resident of the state of Missouri, residing outsid of said stale of Missouri, and cannot be served with ordinary process of aw herein.

It Is therefore ordered by said Clerk that aaid delendant, Jesse WUIoughby. be notified by publication that plaintiff by petition herein filed of date February 3rd.l62).hascommencedagainst said defendant an action In equity, the immediate object and general nature of which la to onfnrce and establish a lawful right. claim and demand to and against certain real property within the jurisdiction of said Court, to-wlt. an action to set aside a deed from John V. WUIoughby, dated the 1 8th day of September.

1 8 1 8. to the defendant. Jes se illoughby, conveilng to the said defendant Lot numbered Four (4) in Block numbered Three (3 In the Village of Dunn, in Texas county. Missouri, on the grounds that the said Jesse WUIoughby failed, neglected and refused to comply with the contract by which he procured aid deed to be made to him. And it is further so ordered that said defendant be and appear in this court on he first day of the next term thereof to be hoaJen at the City of Houston, Texas Boun ty, Missouri, on Monday, the 18th day of April, 1921.

and on or berore the first day of said term to answer or plead to said petition, or in default therein said petition will he taken and adjudged as OMiIeesea, ana judgment uy ubwuh be rendered against saw oeienoam. It Is further so ordered that a copy hereof be duly published at least once a weea mr four consecutive weeks in the Houston Herald, a weekly newspaper duly printed, published and circulated In said Texas county, and duly designated Dy piaintins attorney and duly approved by said Clerk as most likely to give notice to aeirnumu tne last insertion to lie at least au aays uc fore said next term ol said Court. G. W. HOMINES.

Clerk Circuit Court. Cm. nt Ml.aiurl i I fi Rnnilnea.Clerk ss of the Circuit court of County of Texas) Texas county, mih- junri. hffrhv rmrtifv that the foregoing writing is a full, true and complete copy of tne original uraer 01 ruoncaiinn in bbiu cause, as fully the same remains ana ap pears of record In my office. In witness whereof, I hereto subscribe my name anri nfflHal aldnature and hereto affix the seal of said Court at my office in the City of Houston, Texas county, this 3rd day of february, 1921.

(Seal) G. W. HOMINES. Clerk of the Circuit Court for Texas county. Missouri.

24 ORDER OF PUBLICATION Mate of Missouri, I County of Texas, I In the olrcult court for Texas county. April term, imi. Pearl Ellis. plaintiff, agslnst William Ellis defendant. Tbs state of Missouri, to aboT.

named de feadant resting: Now here this S4th dsy of Decemher. IMO. Id vacation or circuit court ror before Auril term. IWI. of said oir- curt ceurt.

comes plalntill serein by rannni hnin before the clerk of said court and on behalf of plaintiff tiles her peti tion. emoD'Otner matters or action aucsiua. um rfufendant. William Ellis. Is rnimMont of the state of Missouri, residing outside of ssid state of Missouri, and cannot be serfed with ordinary process of law here in.

It Is therefore ordered by said clerk that Saul aeienasnt. wuusm wntnA hv nuhiieaiion that Dlaintifl by oettlion herein hied of date December iMo. has commenced against saw ac fendant an action the lmmealate object and general nature of which lean action to obtain a anal decree of divorce from the defendant on the rouoas 01 aDanaoameot. And It I further so ordered that said defendant be and appear ia this court on the first day of the next term thereof, to be holden at the elty of Houston.Texaaoounty. Mlaaouri.on Monday, the lsibdajrof April.

IMI. and on or before the tint day of said term ta answer or plead to said petition, or in default therein said petition will be token and adjudged as confessed and Judgment by default will be rendered against said defendant. It Is further so ordered that a copy hereof be duly published at least once a week for four consecutive weeks in The Houston Herald. a weekly newspaper duly printed, published aad circulated in said Texas county and duly designsted by attorney and duly approved by ssid clerk as most likely to give notice to defendant, the last Insertion to be at least 30 days before said nest term of said court. Q.

W. HOMINES. Clerk Circuit Court. State at Missouri. I County of Texas.

I O. W. Homines. Clerk of the Circuit Court of Texas county. Mo hereby ecrttf that the foregoing writing Is a full true and complete copy of the original order of publication in raid eause, as fully as the same remains and appears of record In my ofllce.

In witness whereof, I hereto subscribe my name and e(R- court at my office in the city of Houston. Texas count y. Missouri, this Mtb day of December. 19S0. (Seal) O.

W. HOMINES. Clerk of the Circuit Court (4 for Texas County. Missouri. ORDER OF PUBLICATION.

State ofMlssouri,) in the Circuit Court Gouatyof Texas, for Texss County, April Term, mil J. J. Purslf oil. plaintiff, vt Francis M. Pur-aifulL Sarah Jane York, Maggie Dreneo.

Ettle Whitby, Arthur Martin. Orover Martin. America Martin. Sylvester Martin. Minnie Martin Ellen Martin.

Nancy Martin. Greenberry Martin, Duncan Purslfull. Alex PurslfuU. Jrsephas Pursif ull. John PurslfuU.

Mary Beasley, Thomas Purslfull. Albert Pursif ull, Martha Over-mark. Mary Barton, George Prnslf ull, Francis Pursif OU. Eliiabeth PurslfuU. MUia Rich ardson.

and the unknown heirs of Jsne Draby. deceased, and E. Balbert. Administrator of the estate el J. M.

Pursif uU. deceased, defendants. The state of Missouri, to the abort named Greeting: Nov har this ttth day et Jaaoary, ItU. la FREELAND'S JOHN H. SANKS ATTORNEY AT LAW HOUSTON, MISSOURI Abstracts Famished Office Over Tsxss County Bsnk.

R. W. HARTZELL PAINTER AND DECORATOR Lathing, Plastering, Stuccoing-, Painting and all kinds of Inside Decorating. See me HOUSTON or address me at EADO, MO. 23U THE FRANKLIN LIFE INSURANCE CO.

LYNN LAMAR General Afent Houston, Mo. MONEYS LOAN On good long time, straight interest; no delay getting your money. I COYERT ABSTRACT AND GUARANTEE COMPANY HOTE IN CONNECTION PARK sonri, before April term, 1W1, of said circuit court, oods herein attorney of rso- ero herein, before said clerk and on behalf of plaintiff filss petition In suit herein, sod tlso sffldsTlt of plaintiff herein, among other mat ten of action alleging: That (aid defendants, Sarah Jane York, Mag- gle Drenen, Ettle Whitby, Arthur Martin, Gro ver Martin, America Martin, Sylvester Martin, Minnie Martin, Elleu Martin, Nsnoj Martin, Greenberr; Martin, Elisabeth Purslfull and Mills Richardson, are non-residents of the sta'e of Missouri, residing outside of aald state of Missouri, and oannot bs served in this state In the manner prescribed by the code of proce dure of and In the state of Missouri, or in any other manner. Aad It duly appearing to the clerk of said court In vacatloo that pis In IB alleges 4n his duly verified petition, under oath, that there are persons interested In thesubjeot matter of this suit whose names cannot be Inserted therein because they are unknown to plain tiff: that such unknown persons are the ctiil dren and heirs at law of Jane Druby. deceits ed.

who formerly was Jane Pursif ull, adaui: ter of William M. Purslfull. and a niece of M. PurslfuU. deceased, and that such unkno persons derive their apparent Interest by in heritance from the said Jane Draby.

deceas ed. and that plaintiff does not know the oum ber or the names or tbs places of residence Sucb unknown persons, and that the above statement In relstlon to such unknown par ties, their In teres is and bow derived ia as full and complete as plaintiff la able to state. It is therefore ordered by said olerk that the ssid Defendants, Sarah Jane York, Maggie Drenen, Ettle Wbltby, Arthur Martin, Graver Martin, America Martin, Sylvester Martin Minnie Martin, Ellen Martin, Nancy Martin Greenberry Martin, Eliiabeth PurslfuU, Mills Richardson, and the unknown heirs of Jane Draby, deceased be notified by publication that plaintiff bj petition herein Bled on the Z5th davof January, 1921, has commenced against said defendants an action In equity, the Immediate objeot and general nature of whloh Is to enforce and estab lisb a lawful right, claim and demand to and against certain real and personal property within the jurisdiction of this court, to-wlt, an action to have the ilaintlff herein adjudged to be thsjawf ully adopted sod of J. M. Pure! tuU, now deoeased, and the sole heir at law to the real estate and personal props ty left by the said i.

M. PurslfuU at the time of bis death, which real ertate Is located and situated In Texas ceunty, Missouri, and which personal property Is la said county and in charge of de fendsnt, E. C. Halbert, Administrator of the estate of J. M.

Purslfull. And It Is farther so ordered that said defen danls be and appear In this Court oa the Drat day of the next term thereof to be holden the City of Houston, Texas county, Missouri on Monday, the day of April, 1K21, and then and there answer or plead to said petition, or In default therein said petltloa wUl be taken and adjudged as confess ed.and judgment by difault will be rendered against said, defendants. It It further so ordered thst a copy nereo be published at least once a week for four eonsecutlre weeks In the Houston Herald, weekly newspaper, duly printed, published and circulated In said Texas county, and duly des ignated by plaintiffs' attorney and duly ap proved by said clerk at most likely to gits notice to defendants, the last insertion to be at least days before said next term of said oonrt, O. W. ROMINES, Clerk Circuit Court, Gtmta af M'aannri.

1 County of Texas. O. W. nominee. Clerk of the circuit court of Texas county, Missouri.

hereby certify that the foregoing writing is a full and complete copy of the original order of pubUoatloo in said eause, as fully as the asme remains and appears of record in my office. In witness whereof. I hereto sub scribe my name and official signature and hereto affix the teal of laid court at my office to the city of Houston. Texas county. Miasoa rt.itutth day of January.

Wl. tSeal u. w. HUM1WB.O, Clerk of the Circuit Court for Texas county, Missouri. ORDER OF PUBLICATION.

State of Missouri, County of In Via OlMtilt rAiirt Ia. Tm. I'ftuntV. April Term. 12L W.

B. Hurst. Plaintiff, against The un known consort of Phliio H. Branson inm.i V. Vimfnrt The unknown con sort, heirs, devisees, donees, alienees.

tmtarv and involuntary sranteea of the said Jamea K. Comfort: Columbus O. 9Mmmn Zellwea-er and M. i UTall. nj.

iteuweger. tua win, James Millard Wall. Defendants Action to iiy i me. nk a. Af IMTIaantirl fn annva named defendants ureeung: MAHI Kla Ikth fl.

nf ioi in vacation of Circuit Court for Texas County, Missouri, before April term, 1531, 01 circuit vuri, com plaintiff herein, by attorney of record herein, peiore tne viera ui aaiu ana on pensii ui imwium verified petition, among other matters of "e.n5L y-t I 7.0IU a an is, uiuuiimjd weger and M. M. Zellweger, his wife. ail non-rewiaeni oiwj om.i3 wtawv- ana cannot, iw crcu ihuhb i lav. a n-iaar 1 9 ino manner iiiwriuw vnn.

tiiv has nnt information to form belief as to whether the defend- a lav llvlnir its gf Aaaffl HBl IUnr9 JBe. UllllWI is wa nor whether hl rlhU or claim to ad lanos nave in any way mm and that If he Is living-he a non-reel- oem 01 ins oit ui mm be served In this state In the manner grescnoea in 1 01 me tatutai of Missouri of ISIS nor any amendment thereto. Plaintiff further says that If the laid James Comfort Is dead, or If hit interest or claim In aaid land has In any wrav frit-H from htra. or If Philip H. Branson (hereinafter mentioned) had a wife living on the KHh day of January, 1S7T.

and such wife be now Irving, then there arc other persona who claim to be Interested In the subject matter of this um oa aMalthj and happy, wavWwCtslsJjp A ay I sac MA satTf Houston, Missouri J. S. FREELAND, Proprietor. Good Meals, Comfortable Rooms. Clean Beds, Reasonable Rates.

Courteous Attention to all the Traveling Public. AUTO SERVICE tOCCK500COMICCHsKIOCO Lower Farm Implement Prices "jphe break has come. For some time prices paid for your farm products have been low. It is but natural for you to want lower prices on the farm implements used in producing your crops. hastening a return to normal conditions.

This is your opportunity to secure new, up-to-date Oliver quality implements that will help you produce a full crop, and get them at a price in line with the reduced prices on your farm, products. WE HAVE THEM. Announcement is made by the Oliver Chilled Plow Works of a eneral price reduction In their ines that brings jprices to the basis of 1910. They are the first to make this reduction and are taking the loss that the move brings-Ior there has been little reduction in labor or ma-terial-as their contribution in Sick 116 A Coefhlag Cetaotty lor Dabya Stomach BMm tht art rarertoh. rmtUrnt, enm or fretful from bsd digwg-tkM, aick atocruich, dianitoca or th tacthing period, improvsj rgptdry and bama eoadvtiib miccattntadiiBder th ocm' tng influcnc of MoGve'g Baby cUixir; a pure, whoiMome, harm-teH NHMdy, cxmtalninc bo optuin, tnorphma or other tajvriooa Watson Soe.

drug. otueuy ciiecn iWvWMrmsga, vxxymiaj, ewraoNina F. ALWAYS BAmmafioa of tM bowatt, mt JertOw1 wsmwjpt saat a astasias, THE HARDWARE AND FUIWITUnE LEaAKRS Sold by BLANKENSHIP Dhiff'Co,.

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