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The Houston Herald from Houston, Missouri • Page 1

The Houston Herald from Houston, Missouri • Page 1

Houston, Missouri
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EAR ASSOCIATION MEETING. MEMBERS Or CALF CLUB I IN ENTHUSIASTIC! MPr.TTwr. Mr. Archie ISill O.xemJjnc was born The liar Assoc.attf.n the ISth Monday, June 12. Shortly before midnight last O.

S. Schoetlliii allowed $10.30 for-Thursday liro was discovered in the meeting ol was licld hero An iul tripling Commercial CluU road work on Route 3, liurdine town-Tyrone will," owned by Marcus Sigltr, ship fund. uul the mill building With almost all O. A. 1 inkle ullowed $05.28, contents consisting of tlour, wheat ono mile south of Success, in 1 exas Judicial Circuit meets in Houtou Pursuant to thy temporary orgaTli-oounty, April 2J, WA.

Died in Thursday, June 22, and preparations Z-ittoii ot tin. Calf Club as announced Sunday, June 31, oi. made to intertain the in last week's Jlerald, a goodly uuTn-at 3 p. alter a lasting it jny uttorneys. Tlii.

Association will oi jariuera who beliuve ia im-throic-h reveral ut the age bring visitors to ur town from assembled al the Texas of 5s ears. 1 month und 22 day.ovr the eountii (.1 this ilistriet and Count Jin.k rooms fa-t Saturday lie hun continuously livul as a ci i- i m.v limn other parth of the stated aitemoou and Jteriected a permanent Thursday evening of last week, ut which many mutters publie interest were discussed and much iiujtort-uat business transacted. Officers to serve for the ensuing year were elected us follows: President, C. E. Covert.

Vice-President, Lelaiid B. Wom-nek. Secretary, Clark M. Unwell. Treasurer.

Cecil W. Gladden. on IVescott und Arthurs Creek road, and corn, were destroyed. Very lit-Lyneli town.ship fund. jtie was waved out oi the mill build- Newt Williams allowed $158.77 and Mr.

Sigler was pretty badly for roud ltoubidoux tuwuship. burned while trying to save fund. jhin valuable tapers. The sale in the Chus. Scurlock ullowed $80.84 for mill building has some worth work on Kiinrev unl Success road, 'of money, notes and bonds and it is zeu oi Texas county and for the years a' tins AsHticititioti met ii-ton ami to this dav those in It was decided to order a car of Jersey heifers ami irfanv 24 home has made Houston hirjijj I turing the Inst year, of his oi -i gave their names a sno maker ani aiway have praisid Houston foi Um the great fish fry ii their ri was tin er.ter-t:t out of tit ordinary.

INm ior a that re, er. It was also directed n-d stuff ordt-retj with ltoubidoux township fund. bolted these are intact, hut the safe Ut v. ta iii rn life did hi At t. mam: to tl.i.

tl.i J. te-t. Manv other matters John Sutton allowed had remained to hot that it could not for work on Brushy Creek road. Pi-' be owned ut last report. The fire hit make an l.o;jc.-t of 2-1 he was united in i to Misr J.tila (irimes lii.ion one child was bom, tl.i A reiiortwas madu to the Club ncy township fund.

caught the nice residence building of yarding the organization of a Calf which would mean so much to rtv lmssiiiL' owav at an little Chnnne of road petitioned for by plr. Sigler and that was also dolm.v-Steve Mot, et al, heretofore grant-'cd. but the contents were mostly wo. Hi wit'-, haves a faithful wif a faithful itiwrtin will them another Tteiiinnment that add more llaunls to our little city's rr puttition. Tin- Jirf-al u'tnnxyr will the nier.ts in charge the ('oeit' i rcia) Club apfioitite I a committee assist in eierv way as foTTows: V.

K. Lvlcs, two sisters, ihr re! i'li-h many friends lr broti.i tivs hi saved. The barn and blacksmith (hop belonging to Rowd were also destroyed, Mr. IJowden saving tlie trreater part of his tools. This is heavy loss on Mr.

Sigler os ii.miliaily known, was r-gii as a man of ruggf-d hor.t sty el; old road onlereii closed T.ew road is in good condition for travel. C. K. Kinnuirt allowed for culvert on Pill (leers road, lioubidoux township fund. $130.80 for work on Kvening Shade rond for work on WnynesviJle tho improvement of the Mock of this Mction, ho on motion a committee wan appointed to act in conjunction with the Calf Club and render any msistnncc and encouragement possible.

The eoiiiiiiittee selected wan Chas. Watson, Albert Howell, R. W. Williams, 15. C.

Meador. The Commercial Club authorized by vote that three prizes be given. i'i came up lor dt-cus-sioit. the of grax and r.i iw ries until au organu-'oi euhi he made to look alter th; im-: t.f these truits. Ii was i-i Vue Houston f'tiiamer-cia: would prizes ot i2'.

ri and $10 for the best the shipnifiit at the end of a yenr. The farmers were urged to heiuiiii- members of hc Commer-i iu! Club and help in that way to Lriir about a closer relationship and Sk better co-operation between the country and the town people. and respected br nil. His broth Chuk M. Hcwell and K.

B. Ixavitt. 0009 count seat rond. which we hear estimated all the way from $5,000 to and he did not carry a cent of insurance. The ktss to Mr.

Rowdcn is not so heavy, but it falls very heavily on him, for he is a man of small means. CEILDEEN'S DAY At iifion Iflht Sunday, after th Sunday uwrnitis: Mnitts. a corn-1 C. E. Kinnaird nllowcd $451.50 for next full for the best heifers shown from the shipment brought in by the work on Bill Gecrs mad, Poubidoox township fund.

It. 0. Shaw allowed for IUUI111J A wr tan "i A SIS 11.1 1 er, Oxeiidine, and uncle, John were at his bedside MuriiiL' his hist hours. He was a gnat lover of the Bible and had read it throuL'h nnd threneh. When not at work lie would be fonnd his Bible, and when nsked durinir his Inst sickness if he was ready to meet his Savior, his nnswer was "I am ready when my Master calls me." After a brief service by Rev.

Ba The origin of the fire is supposed beautilul school grounds and a I lie proceedings ot Saturday work on Ed McKenzie road. Ozark Un hnve been from the mill fire crowd enjoyed such a feaat as only,1S; are included in the follow- townsliip fund. $132.29 for work on room, for it had caught during the in.r minutes handed in bv the Seerc- Eunice and Oopeland road, Carroll day Thursday but the blaze cxtin- the Jadics ol tliis community can prepare. After an hour or more of nocial pleasure, the enowd gathered in the large gymnasium at the rew school building where a suitable pro Calf Club, the prizes to be nud $10. The road meeting at Rollu next Saturday, Juno 17, for the purpose of advocating a primary roed along the (hark Trail was up for discus-ion and it was decided that as many citizens as could possibly go from Houston and this section of the county should be urged to attend, the meeting at Rolla.

township fund. guished. It is not known yet what I. B. Fugate allowed for Mr.

Sigler will conclude to do rework on Houston and West Plains pnrding the rebuilding of the mill, road, Cass township fund. wmch has been a great convenience ker Mondav afternoon the Tcmnins Meeting was called to order by the mjtorary chairman, James W. Tetrick. The following officers were elected W. McCee, President.

G. V. Homines, Vice-President. were taken to thf Burris cemetery near Success for interment. The be McCarter allowed $40 for scalp of I to that community.

1 1 A II 1 gram was rendered by the children of the Sunday Schools of contained many enjoyable features. iour woivcs over ten weens oio. i mo reaved wife and other relatives have Ordered that Treasurer Jack methODIST CHURCH NOTES the sympathy of all. The matter of the Old bowers is- Bowles transfer from Cass township The program consisted of music by the orchestra, songs by ehoir, vocal solos, readings and recitations, and James V. Tetrick, Secretary.

Motion was made and carried that a committee be named to draft a constitution and by-laws. Following are union was brought up ana wo rofld construction fund to Elk reck Bertram, Pattor. BAPTIST NOTES. drills of various kinds. Those who eided that the annual neunion womu Bnd smon, funj the sum of Sunday School at 9:45 a.

m. Otto be held under the direction of the qo, anj from Cass township road I jonuson. W. L. Burnett and Miss Sunday Sdiool at 10 a.

m. had the program in hand are to be complimented for the drill given the Reeular Dreachine servioes next vommerciiu viuu, conwrucun iuna 10 me ivouinsoii i Gcttys, oupeniiteJklen 1n was authoriaed to appoint the com- anj YXk. Creek road fund the sum of I Que hundred and nine in Sunday Sunday at 11 a. m. and 8 p.

m. by the committee: John Willson chairman, E. M. Gentry, Louis R. Nielaon.

Motion made and earned that the club buy only registered Jersey cattle, having the T. B. test was made and carried that Pastor H. B. TUlery.

little fellows, and it was prononneed a most pleasant affair from the fact that it was a community. gathering and friends could eom together foi mitteea, Dates lor tne wnnuoo wr fl50. lal(t Sunday. We feel very not set at this meeting. Cha.

Hodges allowed $363.60. for piX)Ud this number after so many The coming Bar Association free- WOrk on Hartshorn and Ifaatask our voune' folks haw left town Regular business meeting of the anarch Thunday night, June 22. a social visit and good fellowship. Eeaavnber the date. 132 in Sunday School last Sunday.

a committee be appointed to take orders from each Farm Club in and Hoi ston. The following were sag was aiso oibcubiiwu man, current wwnsntp ivaa. after the elosine of school. decided that the CVwaarrial Club Homston Lumber Co. allowed U.TT Joint nonet of the Lasgoe and iroM lend erery aamtaact in for hwber for Boyd Oxendine eaffn.

wm mcet next Sunday power. CoouaittM ppita4 tnm Laavitt's Dept. Store allowed HT tTeniK at the Methodist ahunk. BxsoLtmovs or kxspxct. Very goad attendance for a June Sudsy.

Let keep the attendance appointed: B. C. Meador, Indian CI to assutt was s. up, frMa for tarial elotkcs Ut 9r Im. js.

iBmston Tempie No. 128, Pytkiaa Creak; E. M. Gentry, Clara; W. A.

Htdatt, PtaQ Mm WHn, 'Clart rToweff B. r-, tl ttd pwyer aMating inatata. pracuae mursaay All ara invited to take part; if yon AiMthcr bvad mU faith- White Boakr I. ft. Niebon, Oak jutotneT impwrwMi ainini mi noirs niwwco Thurscay evening at :3 ClOCI disenssion was the plan to eneour U)rCplirinffi body of Boyd Oxendineliw.

gii lookinir for YOU. fal friend ba been taken from ni have bmsmmI instruments, bring them Dill; Andrew rower, Houston; H. 'affeewr eitiMfrui to enter into tneifor fcnriaL I We had no preaching serrices lst and death has caused us a loss and help in the music a Fisher, Ozark. raising oi nrawoerrm mu p'-itr aiurpny a nnigni anowea io morniiiir on account oi tne Motion was made and carried that B. Y.

P. U. every Sunday evening ly felt. Sister Bertie Garwits departed this life May 17, 1922, at her at 7 o'efcok. A fine program and the President appoint three persona.

wiin ine umnuiiB imraum v. muine rouin ior ounai oi D7a I Children Day tervieea- ana oascei injr a berry growent asaoriatioh and I Orendine. hinner at the school hoas. A very rood muMC at everr acmce. All home in Houston therefore, be it Resolved, That death ha robbed make of this a profitable business as Oitark Casket Co.

allowed for nrocram was rendered at i -41 mHnm 1 I a tf a who, with the officers of the club, -hall constitute the hoard of Dire- tora. young people invited to enlist in this good work. the husband of a kind and loving IB oetng oone in wnicr trimming ior coiun ior uoyo in the gymnasium. oommittce appointed to look further di.

"0ur Mrtw the ehureh in wife, the children of a gentle, de The pastor was well pleased witn Motion was made end carried that into this proposition was compnwa Tuesday, Jona 19. w.i interestine and we voted mother and the Temple of a of W. J. MeGea, Prof. 3.

Tet- Gcoree Brannam allowed C30 forL. m. Ii)nfnl ia all who were the good congregations last Sunday morning and evening and the good the nxt meeting will be Saturday, June 2L loyal member. Be it further Reeolved, That the mamben of rick. Dan MeLachlan, H.

H. Eberhart, I em Mo8e Brannam three montha, there. We had a fine crowd of young E. Brown. B.

Wolford allowed $49.25 for fniv. thev all stared for the musie by the choir and orchestra. The subject for next Sunday. at 11 this order extend our sineertat sym GSICE HARM02T. pathies to this family and relatives, m.

will be "The Preacher as a Meetiiu? adjourned until Tneaflay on roidey town- 8pecial services. But where were niprht of this week, nnd will meet gbJ the older members I hear some of and entreat them to remember that Man and the Preacher as a Pastor. aeh Tuesday night hereafter. A. J.

Fredrick allowed $27, hired Lr members sav (by their actions) our Heavenly Father careth for all. A very impressive marriage ceremony was solemnised at high noon, Eveninir subject, "Christ and the Resolved. That a copy of these Social Problem." Come and worship labor on Gordon bridge, Jackson l- jg up to the young people and a ffimniun Sat Tor Aujnurt 10-11-12 township fund. I few of the older members to keep Saturday, June 10, at the home of resolutions be sent to Houston with tml We will not prolonc the L. L.

Grisham, Elk Creek, Mo. The E. E. Kvser allowed $20 as per old church movinc. I wish they Herald for publication and a copy nreaehimr services during the hot contracting parties were Charles I At the lueway

m- themselves "If all toe nlaeed on the records of the cather. Lewis Gnce and Oneta Ruth Har mon. the reports wew hittu memim were just like me, what Ttet iiiiSTtoTdate. for the labor, gasand oil, Burdine township wonld the Houston Methodist church Mr. Grice is a highly respected BIRTHDAY CELEBRATION.

Temple. Itespeetfullv submitted, PEARL CURTIS. SARAH JOHNSTON, KATIE MORGAN, Committee and progressive young man who is annual Old Settlers Reunion were fm of 1et Yi' "danced to the deaf Hartley Sundfly morninp on "The Parables August 10, 11 and i. Snhiect for bovs. lof the New Testament." Subject ior in the mercantile business at Purdin.

Sunday, June 11th, being Norman the P5lent Covert announced Mo. The britle is a sister of Mrs. L. L. Grisliatu aud an ideal girL She has taught several terms of school Ho- T.

K. AViIliams aiiowea iou irthe moming, "The rarame oi mv the following committees for labor with engine, Boone townshipi gdn jn the evening, "Ine Art OSCAR. nivnuirfltions in this countv. fnnd. w- lof Adaptability.

The house was beautifully decorat SalycrV 40th birthday, tho event was duly celebrated. Mr. and Mrs. K. N.

Salycr and Mr. and Mrs. B. C. Meador and sons were dinner guests and about 3 p.

m. the following neighbors arrived: Mr. and Mrs. Arch Hobbs and family, Mr. and Mrs.

T. M. Moody and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. C.

E. LalToon and four VmnV Mnntz allowed SlOb.tS. gas-l oooo I MW T-fcWl ed in white aud green. The bridal oline and freight. Shcrrill township CHRISTIAN CHUtttin wwixta.

By allow er. No raiu yet. Joe Rogvrs issuumbeml with the oouplo marched to tho strains of Bridal Chorus." plaved bv Miss Wr. Jones. Stewanl of Poor There was' an increase in miuiDer Gnnrnds and Arrangements Albert Howell, D.

E. Impey, Kirby Smith, W. E. Duff, Jack McCaskill. Speakers ami Progmn-E.

it. Ed Vollmnr, J. H. Covert, W. Uiett, Dr.

J. H. Womack. Amusements W. J.

Mcfloe, C. Kirkman, C. L. Watson, Dr. E.

P. TT irir.T-l.lirt. sick this week. Nelle Smith, after which Rev. J.

farm, allowed $00 salary and $93.8 at Sunday School Inst Sunday Miss Madge Scott visited Miss, EI- Mr. and Mrs. Ro Davis Tom Murphy was with us again expensffl for May. berta Driesel Sunday. and children and Mrs, Florence Beck.

Dclecation from Cnnoll township Inst Sunday. Tom is a very worthy boy and we are always glad to have before court nnd discos project of This was a very pleasant surprise for Norman arranged by his wife assisted by several neighbors, who vol b-m. ji.anKensn.p, iKirbv road leing to Mtn. View. Ball game between Oscar and Bean Cnk Sunday; score 10 to 6 in favor of Oscar.

Boyt p-toher, Wilttou catclier for Oscar; for Beau Creek, Briuroan and Wallace. Carty vrfonucU the marriage eere-aiony. Their honeymoon will bo spent in visiting relatives atid friends in Kansas City and Des Moines, Iowa, after which they will return to Purdin, where a new bungalow has been erected for thtm. After the eeremoov a bountiful Tho new books for the orehtra teww- Howell. Joan P.

Foster stows payment untarily broueht four cakes wlncn have arrived and will be a great help. wcro consumed with the five gallons of ice cream which was made by the Mnc-Prof. J. W. Tetrick, Clar- Onlered that Presiding Judge satis Jack fv record.

Brother Bennett will be here for next Snndav services. Come out and ood men and ladies present and was thoroughly enjoyed by all. Scv- enoe Mcuaaam, JoRPph p. jtter presents school JleSS Leland fund bond nnd mortgage; approved Miss Adda Kecney visitol at the Filmer home Sunday night. John Dees' folks visited on Ashley Sunday and Monday.

Thorp will lie an all day meeting at Boone Creek Sunday, June 18, hear this christian man. Ho ir in m-i1 nrettv vocal selections were tcrosted in vour welfare and will spread was served to the following guests: Mr. and Mrs. Austin Gris-ham, Mr. and Mrs.

J. W. Grishara, from Cabool, Mr. and Mrs. A.

T. d. en. Mrs Ger- and granted loan in sum of $810, sriven by the young people, with help you. Mondv nt the riino.

The Tho union Children Pay service trudo Gobble, C. E. Elmore. Tcinnnciv-W. R.

Brown. B. B. Ia with two sermons and dinner ou the ircntlemen enquired if thcro was any MASONIC OFFICERS ELECTED last Sunday were very good and ground Everybody invited. vitt, J.

A. Hnthcrford, J. S. Erceland, one present who would have a birth proved to bo an enjoyable occasion. POOQ I wish to correct a mistake made day about July 4, as they would en At the regular meeting of Texas yf.

S. Lilly. Another matter tin for discussion HAZLETON REBEKAH LODGE. last week. It was Miss OUic Clayton with Ivah's two children who came joy another like feast nt that time.

Lodge No. 177, A. F. A. last Saturday night tho following officers waa the accommodations to be made but we suggest that all can meet Saturday, Juno 10, Ha.leton Ke- (iris3iani.

Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Gris-hani, J.

A. Bradford, Springfield, Mrs. Kirby Smith, Nelle Smith, Besse Gettys, of Houston, John Harmon. Opal Grisham, Earl Harmon, Mildred Harmon, Pesrl Grisham, Rev. J.

J. Carty and Bculah Harmon. All departed wishing the newly-weds a happy married life. in from California last week. for houKimr.the increasing number ol again and eelehrate our nniion bekah lodge installed the following Misses Hazel Peweese and Helen to the Houston birthday.

ONE PRESENT officers for tho ensuing year: Durnell visited Miss Jissie Trusty Kchools. The attendanco from the out Wednesday night. were elected for cmming year: Worshipful Master, Lynn Lamar. Senior Warden, W. T.

Bridges. Junior Warden, Warren Harrison Treasurer, J. F. Watson. Secretary, W.

H. Farris. Kidn is growing all the time and the mont nt thn nnnils want rooms for FIE SUPPER. Mrs. Olivo Bilycn, N.

G. Mrs. Pearlie Gaither, V. G. Mrs.

Ellen Quick, R. N. G. Mrs. Eureka Holcomb, L.

S. N. Mrs. Harley Jennings entertained Thursday evening in honor of Miss There will be a pie supper and en liirbt housekeeping. Committee minted to see what suggestions could Helen Durnell.

Quite a crowd was MARRIAGE LICENSES. Mrs. Florence Jackson, It S. V. G.

trrtainntent the Clear Springs school house on Saturday night, June present and all seemed to enjoy themselves. Charles Lewis Grice. Purdin, Mo. vMrs. Lucia Cooper, L.

S. V. G. Otieta Ruth Han. en E'k Creek Mrs.

IVForest and Rav Dees, of PRODUCE WANTED. Am located at the build Lawrence Haney Houston 17th, this being the cud of my term of school this year. Program ia carefully planned, consisting of jsongs, bo mado to solvn this problem was: Prof. J. W.

Tetrick, Clias. L. Wntscn. E. K.

LyleK, Clark M. Howell, R. B. 1 1envitt. Prof.

W. H. Lynch was 'present and gavo one of appreciated talks. Club adjournod to next Tuesday toight Irondale, are visitiag relatives in and around Oscar. Virgil DeForest and family, Otis Shipp and wife and W.

A. Stevenson Mrs, Mary Jackson, Treasurer. Mrs. Octavin Sells, Chaplain. Mrs.

Iva CopolaUd, Wanlen, Mrs. Rosa Jackson, 0. G. C. F.

Bilyeu, I. G. John Jackson, Conductor. Clyde Copeland, Secretary. Muiy Baker Houston Robert Ia Killion -Houston Minnie Wyrick Willow Spring ing and will pay tho highest market price for your poultry and all kind.

dialogues, speedltea and some good musie. Attendance of many is of produce. Call or prions. visited at the Bill Dees home Fied IXill Norwood. Mo.

JACK SOOTER. JESSE WILLHITK. Taaoher. Lena Brott ttntain Grova I.

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