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The Houston Herald from Houston, Missouri • Page 7

The Houston Herald from Houston, Missouri • Page 7

Houston, Missouri
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Administrator of the estate of De lia I- Kyle, deceased, late of said County of Texaa. and presents to the Court By The Prodigal Son. his petition prayinK for an order for the C. K. LYLES Editor and Publliher sale of certain real estate ot wnicn tne A gMsl rain would be appreciated said Delia U.

K.TIe died seised and situated In Texas founty. Missouri, and de. verv much. Subscription Price $1.61 Per Tear people to bestir themselves. We believe it is one chance in a lifetime.

Let's all come out and give it a boost. Picking and canning blackberries has been a job the women folks have been engaged in, but it is about over. Vo apples and not much of any other fruit. We should be truly thankful for berries. J.

J. Johncc and Ed Skinner have scribed as follows: All that part of the Southeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of Section Seven (7), Township been helping Walter BcH in bay. Thirty (30). Itana-e Wne () West, de Entered at I'oatofflce at Houston, Second Claw MulUsr. George Browne made a trip to Ca- scribed aa follows: Ileicinninir at the The rntcrtniiiuietit and ice cream sooiul which wan carefully prttpared by the members of tho Tarley Jto-bekah lode wan (riven Saturday evening, July 19th, and proved a grand success.

The following abort projrram was rendered to a law audience: Opening Address C. C. Roemer Music I toby Orchestra Music "Tho Edison" Heading Miss Kdna Gladden Northwest corner of said farfcy arrea; thence running tlnMt on the North line of said forty 87 rod to the center of the 5'liu Editor Will Not Be Ftosprmslble for or Vlewa of Correspondents Houston and Cahoot County road; thence In Vacation-No. 1041 In the Texas County Circuit Court, Aiiirust Term. 1919.

The State of Missouri, at the relation and to the use of J. McKinney. of tho Hevenue of Texaa Ootanqr. In the State of Missouri, va William A Johuon. Kate Madden and Laura E.

Tucker, Defendant Action to enforce tax Ilea. No a at tois day comes the pltlMIS bf counsel, before the undersigned Cleric of the Circuit Court of Texas County, Missouri, in vacation, and files herein Its pels 'ion. statins; among: other things knat the d.ifendanta, William A. Johason. Kate Madden and Laura K.

Tucker, are non-residents of the State of Mlsaou- ri and cannot be summoned iu Una actum. It is therefore ordered hy the Clerk afurcnaid. in vacation, that publication be made notifying; aaid defendants thai an Mction has been commenced ssgaaaat them by petition In the Circuit Court of Texas County, fen the State of Missouri, the oliject and Keneral nature of whicki is to enforce the hen of the State of Mis ROAD BOND ELECTION -JULY 29 OLD SETTLERS-AUGUST 14-15-16 VOL. XLI NO. 47 bool and purchased a new mowing machine the first of the week.

While there who was he to see but Mart Simmons; guess Mart wasn't satisfied with Oklahoma. The people will be looking for Mr. Simmons down on "Jacks Fork" trying to buy a farm before long. Lowe and Finice Lawson cut hay for their grandfather, D. M.

Johnston. Opal and Ora Bell called on Myrtle Brooks Friday evening. Manic Kob Orchestra I'aatomimo (America) Marie Moorman The Edison After the program closed, refreshments of ice cream, lemonade, cake and cookies were served. South along; the center of said road 70 yards; thence West parallel with the Nosjh line of said ansly 37 rJa tj the West line of said forty acres; thenre North 70 yards to Uie place of beKlMkirajc and contaiiikih In all about three acre. Ik the same more or less, for ihff purpose of payinir the debts due and owinir by said estate, said nctitiori accompanied hy a statement and account of his admlnto-tratlon and of the remaining; due and unpaid and that there is no personal property belonm? to said real estate and no assets in the hands of said administrator to pay the debts of said estate and prayinir for the sale of said land for tlx? purpose of pnyiai; said debts, the whole verified by the alTidaut of aaid administrator.

Theroniam it is ordered hy the Court that all persons tatciested in said estate iie notified t1i-reef and iinl.s she os-iriirv lie sh a on the irst day a-f the. next of this Court, th, same helntr TRUSTEE'S SALE. Wlnna. Stephen mocker, a mull, hv hi ded of trust dntt'd Au(rit 1st. Hill, und recorded September 8.

lfilt in fiG at pukc SI!) In the office of th' Itccoriler of for Txn f'oimrv. Missouri, at Hoimton. conveyed to Red-cri .1 (Irnves, trustee, the rel cHtiate in Texiis County. Missouri. ami d' MTiimt hk follows: of the Southeast I'lartxr of tfeetion Thlrtv-two (321.

Twwnsliip Seven I7i. cnnfaimiu; one hundred sixty ftr.i fii more or In trust to secure the K'MiM-nt of a tertawi proiaissarv aota. In sa'il din! of ttiist deserllted and where- OBITUARY. Once more the cold, icy liaml of 'dentil lias been extended, the farewell words said and loving one taken, lenviiifr vnennt a jdnee never to he filled iu that home.

Bluford Friend, the suhject of this sketch, was horn in Culpepper comity, Virginia, in 1S27 nn4 died fit his home near Tnrley, Mnsnira. Sunihiy, July fi, nt 3 p. lit the souri for taxes ujion the fallowing; lands, situated in Bexaj County. to-wsx: SKI Si Nt.t Sec. 15, Twp.

3.1. K. t. Mid ShM See. 11 Twp.

3.1.R. J. T. Browne is slowlly improving. Me is able at time to wear his shoes.

C. M. Stephens returned Friday from Drumright, Oklahoma, where be had hcvii employed in the oil fields. Everyone greatly disapMiintcd when Misses Liiuru und Ida didn't come, for the people of Xagle wanted Sunday School to start again. We have Von.

lay. AhkumI. Che llth dav. an win be made for the sale of said 1 Iteil estate in said p'-tiflon nicrt'On-d fir a-, it Is provided in said d'i-d of iriipl In of the ahsenee. or the refit-snl tn i'ft or the iti any wise of tin- s-iij .1 Oroves.

whew any and nro to 'ie ntade We wish to ttimik Messrs. Gladden and Anderson for their kind assistance, also the Ruby Orchestra for helping with the prourain, and, too, we thank Mrs. Anderson for the use of her "Edison." There are many others who deserve much praise for assisting in different ways. The net Vroeecds, which amounted to will he used for the good of the Lodge. ONE PUESENT.

under. whoever shall tie Sher- fr Ti'xjis i'o'tttt. Missouri, at Itie time wli'it any such advert iscment ard sale to tic made shall thereup tie- Mtmcttt of mn'l of aid d'-ceas-cd. And it is f'ssther ord-rt-d that hereof hy puliiishin' Ir. Th- H-eiston H-rald.

a ncivsiiper priti'-! atid published at Houston. T-xas I'lfity, Missonri. Llie t-a-t itis-a lion of waich sh-ill be thff-ty ds b.fiu- sail llth day if August. 1''1. aj.d that sa) he published for in said wspap-r.

mni that h-ri-of stiiill be made ot. I.i-1 If'ilibard. Ir.e one of tin- its of said Kvle rsi-li'iL' in T--is t'o-ititv. ssouri. at b-ast t-n days before the fwst day of the said A of this tititil wlnMi t.rie- thu Is i KItKM Cletk Of Mie I Court.

of t'l-unty of T. as ss I C. Kitktnan. ar-i LONG VALLEY. time of i.irt dentil yiiirs of a'n'p.

He had at some previous time suffered htroko of wraIyU awl peveral weeks wavered between life and death, but at the riiimiioa -amc at the date. A wi'e and twelve efiiMivn survive, three children preceded him to th? (treat Home. Those present nt flie time of his death were Amos, James. Abel and Paton, Mi's. I.a Winters and M'n.

Will Funeral services were conducted by Kev. J. 0. Hulsell at Xo. Oiie cemetery Monday af'crnoon.

not been able to have, a good Sunday School since their absence. They always had a smile for everyone and helping hand extended to all religious worslfipers. I E. Xaule spent Saturday night with Grover Brooks. Joel Brooks and wife were tradknr at the C.

F. Osborti store Saturday. Everyone remember tiie basket dinner and preaching services at X'agle the 4th Sunday. Come with well filled baskets. Marion Martin and family came in Aa4 to r-over the amount of saxes duo on ia I lands tut the years 1915.

1916. 1917 1 19. That nmess the- be and appear atthe at r---ular term of this court, to be jifi-i at the court house tn Houston. County. Missouri, on the Monday in August next, 1319, and or t.efore the sixft: day thereof (uT fin si all so lonir cntitinue If not, thn the end of the tertnl, ar.d arwer ir ueinur to phi'ntill's ptition.

the saaie be taken as and renden-d It is further that a copy DerooT be in Tiie Hr.iistoi; Herald, a iieeaper prini and p'iblisltel at I'ounty. Missouri, for fo-e,-.s.iv-ly, the last insertion to i'e at least days before first day of Ihi nest pegtilur term of thia eo.Bt W. C'k Circuit C'oust. LAMAR A- l.AMATt. Attorneys for Plaintiff.

S.W- of Missouri. Countv of Texas' sa I. of the Circuit irt of Coar.ty. and State at'ore-s-iao, certify tltat the alve is a trua copy of the original order of pubi-caait tn the cause therein named, aa tae same appears in my office. Witneaa my 4 Cierk arid the soul of Mid co art.

Dine at olflce in Houston, this 30th day of Jaw. Witf. 41 ROMINES. Clerk. on f.irthe p'irpos-s of that dvTtisement sncci-ed to the second party's to said real esvtate and trust therein r-'spc-titur the and wh-r--f.

tin said Jiota-t .1 tjrnves is tiO'A of Tcxns County. MissxMiri. rw I aliscrii thtrefrrn: and vhcreas. the saiii liotiert .1. has refused to act 'is provided in -oid of trust; and wli.

as. d'-fault hast 4i-en made in the imwH-iit of lioth interest nmj ribeil of said r.ote. a rnt same is now du, ati ri-tnains tianaid Now thi-refore. prrtilic notir-e is That hv of the powers vest.1 I.v aid deet of trust. I.

ill. Shorter and Trustee, at the of the hal holder ot said prortliS-sorv tiote. ill iwi KKIMW. the Vth Iay of AITirSST. I'iIO.

tiie hours of Nine A. and Five o'clock IV M. sell By Red Wing, farmers are busy staekin: and cutting luiy, while tlui The wheat wives are canning blackberries. Elva Hutsell is numbered with tli sick. K.

A. Ijoghry is uducting a Clerk the Cuurt end fori T-iif County. Misso-iri. do certify that the atfive and is a line furHt of or.uir;al of publication in tre above cn-tit'el cans- a. the ne aj.

pears cf rec-. i-t-I In my office. In witness whereof, have my tii-i'm affix. -d the of said Couit To the bereft (and ii'ol vspeeially ing school Timber Ridge. to the wife, who lies Columbus Hutsell- who has been been his constant companion for iu Uncle Sum's scrvioc flu past few ri-al esaite herein alive di-scrilied nt l-'ihlic vendue to the highest ladder for i ash at the south front door of the court Iviisi- of Texas County.

Missouri, at Houston. Missouri, for tho purpose of dis- about 00 years) wc tender our sin- years, has returned home. Mrs. W. R.

Hutsell and Gladys at my cl'e-i in Missouri, this 2tn June, ll-la. Seal C. Kir.KMAV. and Kx -Officio Clerk 4o ol the i'robate CourL the deht secured hy said deeiK ere sympathy. AN' ACQ A I A NT C.

of trust, the note. Interest and cost of Scott made a business trip to Tuiley this trust. JACK McPASKH.U Sheriff and Trustee. Monday aftcmimu. Mr.

and Mrs. All' Baker spent Sim- A PARTY. TRUSTEE SALE. day with the latter's mother, Mrs. R.

A. Scott. On July 15, at the home of Wlierey. Wflliam C. Smith.

and Nora 5mith. hia wife. John Smith, a ain- from Driauright, Oklahoma, Friday. There's no place like Missouri for stumps and rocks. We.

are glad to have our old neighbors back. Jim White has been helping Joel Brooks put up his hay. Charlie Wariner is contemplating giing to Montana in about a week. We trust be will find things more promising than the Davis boys. J.

M. Manion called on Xelse Kern Saturday evening and reported a good visit. L. E. N'atrlc visited D.

M. Johnston Sunday. Mrs, Xagle and daughter, Katheriue, are getting along nicely and like to livo in Houston. Joel Brooks received word from his son, Arch Brooks, who is in Kan Mrs. Claud Neal is visiting with ale man.

Martha Metcalf mid James Mr. and Mrs. McCloud Benson, of Plato, a crowd of young people gath Mrs. J. C.

Hutsell this week. Metcftlf. her husband, bv their certain I JUST OPENED UP I NEW FEED STORE IiBiice Duff Biid Claud Ennis called Deed of Trust, dated the 16th day of February. 191S. and recorded In Hook 122 ered to 8cud the evening in playing games.

Some very nice anisic was at 107 of the records In the office of at G. T. Scott's Sunday. the Keoarder needs of Texas County. Missouri, conveyed to the undersisned.

Myrtle Duff is uad these daysr- made on violin, organ and guitar. The party was given in honor of Alfred I'aire. Trustee, the land hereinafter descrilicd. to secure the payment of a note in aaid Deed of Trust described, and Earl Austin has gone to Kansas. Cheer np, Myrtle, maybe lie will come HOUSTON, MISSOURI whereas, said note and need of Trust back by and by.

provide that If default is made in the pay Ancel Hutsell made a bnsiness trip ment ml the interest upon said note the whole of said note.tioth principal and Interest, shall at th- option of the leal to Plato one day this week. holder thereof hecorae immediately due Mr. Isa Winters will leave soon sas harvesting, that he Iks a good job and getting good wages. WE HANDLE FLOURS AND FEEDS Toa Hard Wheaat riour, by Awnt Jimlai Miila St. doaapx.

HOftat rtlO, CATTkB NBM ftBIO. wo will arp-ply yeur naada In tha raad Lino. Ma us yoor patrsaat. SALYER COMPANY Oklahoma. Her mother will accompany her home.

and payable, and Whereas, default has been made In the payment of the Interest due on said note on the Kith day of February, and Vhereas. the lenl holder of said note ha elect. to exercise his option and to BADO. Chester Austin sient Saturday Mrs. Benson's nephew, Mr.

John L. Hudson, from Camp Dix, Xew Jersey. He has been in the Army for five years and was real glad to receive his discharge. The young folks were certainly glad to meet Mr. Hudson, although his visit was short.

Those preseiit were Mr. and Mrs. II. C. Gnddy, Mr.

and Mrs. C. E. Keni-hcl, Mrs. Chas.

Keavins, Arthur Hrown, Misses Effic MolTatt. of Phil-lipsburg. Ituhy and Wllie Bowen, Floy Ileiisou, Kuth Tiller, Bessie Edith nn.l Fay ttua White, Sella Benson. Lorn Cott; niirlit with Walter Hutsell and at tended Sunday School ami tuugim; declare the whole ol said note, lioth principal and interest, due and payable lie-cause of such default. Therefore.

I. the undersiirncd Trustee, at the request of the leiral holder of said By Alex. Haying in the order of the duy. S. Stewart's hayintf oitcrntion.s Vn One Sunday.

Monran Hcrrington called at tnc stopped on account of a worn car Jesse Miller home Sunday morning. rier. TWsin and Gladys Scott called on note, will un tiie DAY OF ACfif.ST. m. at the State Circuit Court House door In the County of Texas and State of Missouri, la-tweeti the hours of tune o'clock iu the forenoon and five o'clock in the afternooH.

sell to the highest bidder for cash the real estate in said IVed of Kov. Pinkstoii preaclie.l ire- Mvrtle and Etliylo Duff Monday af well seniiDii Sunday nlirht ut the Ponteeost churcli. A man clain.i.u; to he Mr. 1'ark, of the so-h- is this neck of tho woods; Wltile lip to be liarmless. lie in CHllsin uneasiness hiikuilt the (rentier sex.

east Quarter 11 section iwelity-eiubt I2M. and tiie Southwest Quarter 4) of the Southwest Quarter () of Si'tion Twenty-seven i '21), and the North half t'j) of the Northwest Quarter '4) of Section Thirty-four all In Township Twenty-Nine (S3I North of Range Nine (91 VS'ej-t. to satisfy the terms and conditions of said Deed of Trust. 46tl ALFIlf-D PAOK. GOFF CORN Second Hand Men Successors to 0.

G. BENNETT, CAB00L, MO. Second Hand Goods Bought and sold General Repair Work 4l-tf I. Render and sou have helping A. L.

Coats in his hay. Messrs. Bruce Tilley, Henry Betty, Will Ie, Wilson Wrinkle, Ieroy Til-ley, Robert Elster Pointer, Ijauna Cott, Edward Tracy, James Lindsay and Tom Agens, of Lynchburg, Alva Hartog and Don Gaddy. Miss EfFie MolTatt jilayed and sang nonii" excellent pieces. At a late hour thejruests departed for their homes, thanking Mrs.

Ben-sou for their enjoyable veiling. Mr. Hudson left Wednesday morning to make a short visit with his mother uad father in Arkansas, after which he will return to his work in a garage at Camp Dix, Xew Jersey. OXE PRESENT. ternoon.

Columbus and Walter Hutsell, Myrtle and Ethyle DulT, Bessie and Gladys Scott visited Timber Ridge singing school Wednesday night. Hugh Ruddick has been visiting his grandpareuts this week. Myrtle ami Ethyle Duff called on Mrs. Ernest Miller one day this week. Morgan Herringlon was a caller at J.

W. Moorman '8 Friday afternoon. Several of our young folks attended the singing at No. One Sunday. Mrs.

Fred Orahtrec called on Mrs. J. C. Garrett one day this week. The revival closed Sumhiv nitrht at the Pentecost cl.incli.

ORDER OF PUBLICATION. Rev. Ijester Hays cinne in from Texaa to vsit friends and lvlative.s and will probably hold a revival. State of Mlssoiri. County of Texas' ss in the ITobnte Court of said County, May Term.

19 Is. Wedneatlnv. June 1919. Estate of IK1.IA 1 KYl.K. deceased.

HOliKHT P. Ht'lUIAKl). Administ rator. 1 Notice of Application for Sale of Keai Kstate to Pay Debts. The Raney and Ocniiey outfit is on West I'iney.

The UimkI Uoails ele'timi is caiisimr St. Louis Market Sale of OVERALLS Do you know you will be compelled to pay more money for Overalls than you have leen paying! We have made a large purchase of Men's and Boys' Overalls at a price which we intend giving our customers the benefit of; while we have been selling Overalls much lower than the market, we are still going to make a much lower price. Extra Heavy 220 Weight Men's, at $2.00 Extra Heavy 240 Weight Men's, at 1.85 Extra Heavy Boys' Overalls at 1.35 Lay in a supply while the picking is good; we will guarantee you will not make any mistake. BLUE DENIMS We also made a large purchase of Blue Denims during this market sale. This Denim is worth today TiOe to 60c per yard.

Wo will have a limited amount to offer at a price of per APRON CHECK GINGHAM This Gingham is worth 25c per yard. We have it in all colors at, per yard 50c MEN'S PANTS We have one lot of Men's Pants, 33 to 33 waist, worth while they last, pair $1.85 St. Louis Mnrkvt Sale of This store has made a large purchase of Merchandise in all lines during the St. UNBLEACHED MUSLIN SHEETING ouis Market Sale recently, and these goods are now beginning to arrive. You 8(5 indies wile, very best value on the market, wil1 make n0 mistake in buying a quantity at the prices we are now asking.

It at a price less than any merchant can buy at, dosen't hardly sound reasonable that we arenow selling our merchandise at the only a limited quantity, at, per yard 20c present market value, its the tact. We will only have a limited amount of mer- St. Louis Market Sale of chandise of the following goods to offet at these prices. WINTER BLANKETS CUftlJ. 1 VT SHOES Have you realized the fact that shoe prices are running away with themselves? Al large w.

i otton, A ool 1 and Wool Nap. AJe you knQW have advanced from $, t0 $2 paif fa tfae month flnd sti will make a 10 ixr eent off price duruiR the higher? Thia is an absolute fart. And do you know we are going to save our customers month of July. I3uy them early and save that this big advance? Not a shoe that we have bought for Spring or Fall that we had to pay 10 per cent. this advance.

So remember this when in the market for Shoes. And one other thing we will be very strong on is' our entire Shoe stock will be composed of Shoes of well known MEN'S and BOYS' CAPS. make and made of All Leather. We are going to stand back of every shoe that leaves this We have a lot of Men's and Boys' Caps, 50c to 8tore- sale price, while they last 39c NOTIONS Haven't you always noticed that our Notions stock was well supplied? Haven't LADIES' WAISTS you not'ce(' we 8t'" handle the high grade line we have always handled and our prices just the T. same as before the war? Why is it? Because we bought and laid away this stock before Of Georgette Crepe, Crepe Dechine and Silk prices went up.

Waists; we will make a 20 per cent discount on i the lot of waists while they last-pricey Men8 10c Handkerchiefs 5c 10c Pearl Buttons We have a limited quantity of Men's A good grade Pearl Button, good GENTS' FURNISHINGS Handkerchiefs at a special price of 5c 10c value, per 5c We now have one of the most complete lines of Men's and Boys' Clothing, Hats, Caps, Shoes, Ties, Collars, Hosiery, Underwear, Shirts, You can always find many items which are not listed that has ever been sold in Houston. above in this store at a price worth the money. Leavitt's Department Store,.

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